ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Draw Toolbox

The Draw toolbox contains tools that are used to place lines, shapes, or curves. These tools are placed with the Active Color set to Red, the Line Style to 0, and the Line Weight to 2. To display this toolbox, in the default setup of the Tasks dialog, go to the Redline task in the Markup workflow. Right-click on the drawing tools (third row down) and select Open “Draw” as Toolbox.

All tools in a toolbox are not always visible by default. To see all tools, right-click in the toolbox and select Show All from the menu.


Select in the Draw toolbox

Manually draw a curve in the overlay file.

Place Freehand Sketch

Place a chain of connected line segments and arc segments as individual elements or as a single line string, shape, circle, complex chain, or complex shape element.

Place SmartLine

Place a revision cloud.

Cloud By Points

Place a block (rectangular shape).

Place Block

Place an ellipse.

Place Ellipse

Place a measurement in a markup.

Place Measurement Markup